CsóFi Be!számoL!

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Parov Stelar @ Strand Festival Hungary

2017. augusztus 29. 20:10 - beszámolok

25.08.2017 – Parov Stelar @ Strand Festival Hungary


I tried to a make an awesome end to my summer, that’s why, I thought a Stelar concert would be a good choice. I visited all the festivals what I could this summer. Strand Festival was the ending of it.

This was the 5th time when I saw Parov Stelar in live, but still it was not enough.


I was in a hurry because they were on stage while I was on my way there. For a matter of fact, it was a pretty awesome thing to mix electro with swing, we know it very well. But, the kind of show they make on stage, that’s another question. Nobody was standing on both of legs in the same time, you just can’t stay still while listening to this music. In the dark parts of the stage, all the staff, the band crew every fuckin’ body was dancing, jumping. The front lady, Cleo has a wonderful movement, she is so sexy on the stage, with her voice and appearance makes the whole production so high quality. Sometimes I just couldn’t take photos correctly ‘cos my leg didn’t stop, it just wanted to do the boogie. “Fortunately” my battery started to die, but I did everything to catch all the moments.


I love all the tracks they play, but the most loved ones are “Catgroove”, “The Mojo Radio Gang” and “All Night Long”. (I also really love “Chambermaid Swing” but I haven’t heard it in live yet.) All the brass musicians - the bass player, the drummer, everybody - were totally perfect on stage. They put the slat so high for the other main stage bands. That was a full ecstasy what they made there, but even added more. After the concert I could meet with nearly all of the band members and they also signed my arm. They were really nice and likeable people, they were happy that we enjoyed the show, and also said, that every time they come with pleasure to Hungary. I tried everything to catch Cleo, but I couldn’t. (Maybe she stepped in a teleport gate right after the show.) The biggest moment during the night was when I could meet in person with Marcus Füreder viz. Mr. Parov Stelar. He was as nice as the others, I could take a picture with him and also got a signature. This was the moment when my heart and mind just couldn’t take it anymore. I was totally full with experiences. Really can’t believe that this happened. This was the MOST perfect summer of my life ever. See P!NK in live, meet with the Parov Stelar band and many-many other band members and guys. Just still can’t breathe.

Am I dreaming or it’s true?


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