CsóFi Be!számoL!

/..mindennapi kalandjaink újragondolása../

P!NK @ Sziget Festival 09.08.2017 Budapest

2017. augusztus 11. 10:08 - beszámolok

P!NK @ Sziget Festival 09.08.2017 Budapest

I think I can say that the concert of last night was the most determinative of my life. Let’s see it from the start!

It was absolutely clear that we had to be in the first line so we were at the entrance around 12 a.m. After the entering we took a look around on Sziget, visited the Sziget Beach, checked what and where could be found and after that, around half past two we took our places in the first line at the stage. We had time, brought enough drinks and food, and started to wait seven hours. We listened to all the bands on the main stage – I don’t want to say so much about them, just that a Hungarian band called Lóci Játszik was around four p.m., then the Bosnian band, Dubioza Kolektiv occurred, they made a bursts, cozy music which was contained some alter rock, reggae, ska and dub, and this kind of strange mixture was a great performance by the way. After that the Canadian band, Billy Talent came. I saw them two times before.

Our tense of waiting was in heaven around half past nine, I was nervous about how it will be to see Pink in real life. She appeared around 9:40 pm. There was a lane in the middle of the stage where she came in during a cool intro, then she started to sing Get The Party started. The whole band, dancers, scenery (huge chains crossed each other) and P!NK were on stage.


The next song was one of my favourite called U + Ur Hand, I couldn’t take down the camera. All the songs were followed by a demanding and nice choreography, professional dancers and two vocalist women.


That was an absolutely, totally professional stuff, every time everybody knew what to do, Pink sang really clear and the musicians followed the rock star's high standard. As a third track she played a world hits song, Just Like A Pill, that time I couldn’t decide to make a video or shoot photos of it – my arm started to be very tired because of the holding of the camera, but it was a must, so I did it. (I don’t want to write down the whole setlist because the writing will be so long, you can check it on Sziget’s page it’s public, so I just write about the iconic ones.) As a next one Trouble came, that I remember that I listened to it all the time when I was around 14, and that time I decided I want to see her in live (that was quite long time ago). Then the most important song arrived (for me) it’s Try. A few years ago I tried to learn to play it on drums (shame on me). I couldn’t handle the whole situation, it was so so amazing both musically and what we saw, as the view of the stage (during that time they changed the chains to two huge ragdolls) it was merely wonderful. Last year the horrible Rihanna concert can’t be mentioned on one page with this show. Pink took it so seriously, she did all what she could do, she didn’t think on it as a loose thing, she did totally that stuff in live what I wanted all the time while I was checking her performances on YouTube.


After Try there was no brake Just Give Me The Reason came – few years ago we played that song with a girl band on a little concert. Half time she started to sing Funhouse. I was sad a little bit because we were in the first line on the left side, and not in front of the middle stage lane, because she was there quite a lot of time, and she also played two acoustic songs there with her guitarist (Who Knew, Fuckin’ Perfect) She came down a few times into the photographer ditch and gave signatures, but the most coolest moment was when she took a phone from the audience and made a selfie with it. All the time she was caring for the people, talked to them, responded to the transparencies and sometimes said thank you in Hungarian (köszönöm). There was a moment when a night bug “attacked” her and she started to shout and shake her hands, it was so funny, I loved every moment of it. I didn't want to blink not to miss one second of the show. She was so honest, naturally, loose, full of with love, it can’t be written, you must see in live! The next song was Sober. After that they made a really hot situation, during the song called Just Like Fire, all the flames came out of the stage – if we had a hot-dog we could get a good meal there. Blow Me (One Last Kiss) got a kind of Latin rhythm to really shake your ass to, it was very cool. During that song Pink was also dancing with the others with such a good movements. As the last one Raise Your Glass came. There was a dynamic, full of with power performance on stage.


As an encore she played So What. Before it we had to wait a little time until she got dressed for the song (and for the flying). Between the stage and the DJ stand there was a strung funicular and on it she did spins, rotations, somersaults during the professional singing of the breaking up. After she landed said thank you to the audience sent kisses for the people and with an enormous smile on her face, she left the stage.

We don’t like to give up, we wanted to dream big, went to the entrance of the backstage waiting for her. We had our photo machine, pen and paper when she appeared in the backstage. Jumped into a car and the convoy started to go and take her out. From the car she was waving for everyone, smiling the 1000 watts, this wonder woman.


This experience totally shocked me, it was so positive, a concert of my life. I still couldn’t realize that I was there. She is totally that nice, pretty, loose, unique person what I thought of her based on the image I got from the media. I always said that she is the biggest character in the universe and I think I won’t change my mind. Infinitely trustworthy, clear, straight phenomenon I love her and so much respect to her and what she is doing how she is thinking. All the respect goes to the whole vastly, professional crew and for everybody who is working with her, I think this is the way to make imperishable things. And surely that must be the coolest thing in the world to be the child of Pink J.

I know this is a biased kind of travelogue of the concert but I hope that those people who were there, felt the same as me…

We are waiting for you to come back Masterwoman!


(You can check the whole photo gallery here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/csofipix/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1704785099824908

If you click on the blue writings (on the name of the songs), you can see the live videos on YouTube. 

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